Countless Carrot March
Date and Time:
Thursday, August 29th, 2019, 4 PM –
7 PM
Located at Camp:
More Carrot Camp
Contact Email:
JOIN the More Carrot Camp and Black Rock Animal Control and march to protect The Man from the Ravenous Bunny Hordes! It's time to claim our rights and the rights of all veggie-kind to be treated as the sentient beings we are. All Carrots and Allies assemble in your finest green and orange attire for a pre-party from 4pm-5:30 pm at the More Carrot Camp before the Billion Bunny March. In true Carrot fashion, we’ll provide drinks, music and much entertainment before we head out to intercept and defeat the bunnies at 6pm sharp! Bring along your singing voice and your best vegetable themed cocktails to share. Help us as our wave of orange and green goodness spreads across the playa!