Revolution of hippies in USSR - talk&discussion
Yes, there were hippies in Soviet Union! Come and hear about the incredible history of this longlasting underground movement of peace, love, freedom & creativity. Driven by the years-long anthropological research and visual documentation, this talk & discussion takes you on a Sovietic time machine, pulling you right into the psychedelic underground of the Soviet hippies.
Through the 1970s, a subcultural network often referred to as sistema (translates from Russian as the system) expanded across the urban Soviet Union, connecting likeminded people with a wayfaring lifestyle. Between one other, information about gathering places and music festivals was shared, as well as the addresses and phone numbers of other people who associated themselves with sistema. The emerging social network made it possible to travel to another city and immediately find social support and a place to stay. As the hippies often say: “They had their system, we had our own system.”
What was their protest like? How did they access Western rock and got to play their own music? What got them high? How did the Soviet hippies look like? Who was their guru? Didn't the KGB beat them up? And ultimately, what are the lessons of the pacifist history of ex-Soviet region we may take on board now?
Join this imaginary time travel at CAMP SIIL @ Børningländ Village @ 3:30 & Echo