Spiritual Alchemy on the Playa
While the Playa has a way of bringing up our issues and triggering our wounds, it sets the stage for personal and spiritual transformation. The Playa demands that you “come out of the closet” (whatever closet that might be), and while burning away the old and obsolete, you must reinvent yourself through radical self-expression. Beginning with these personal challenges and ending with the “Burning of the Man,” most burners go through a true alchemical process! But, it’s what we do with this “Spiritual Alchemy” that really counts! The 4 stages of alchemy apply on (and off) the Playa! embrace and integrate your own transformation. From dust and ashes, you'll be able to Rise like the Phoenix - and bring home a permanent shift! Whether you become the person you’ve always wanted to be or you become unrecognizable to yourself, after a bit of alchemy on the Playa, you’re not the same person who arrived at the gates just days before – and a new you is ready to go home! While transformation can be messy, let’s celebrate it together! Come and share your personal story of alchemy on the Playa!