Ecstatic Dance - 360 Emergence with Amber Ryan

Dates and Times:
Wednesday, August 28th, 2019, 9 PM – 11 PM
Friday, August 30th, 2019, 9 PM – 11 PM
Located at Camp:
I Love Elephants


What is The 360 Emergence?
We are artists in service to the emergence of each person who shows up in our laboratories. We curate journeys and containers that weave the ever changing human into becoming leader-full and in-sight full. To becoming accountable and fluid.
To see from every perspective. We awaken our 10,000 eyes and we ask you to do the same.
We are heart activists. The body is our divining rod, music our ally, silence our guide.
We seek balance between an inside education that beckons us into an alliance with the outside world.
We are steeped in dance, ceremony, literature, fashion, theater, strength, humor, vulnerability and power.