Merkaba Light Body Activation Discussion & Chant

Date and Time:
Saturday, August 31st, 2019, 12:45 PM – 2 PM
Located at Camp:
Hello, We Love you!


David Dreamwalker Diamondheart aka 3D was Merkaba Light Body Activated by an Angel in 2009 and started making sacred geometry art at age 42. In the 9 years since, he has created over 400 3D shapes and multiple graphic artworks. On February 26th 2018, David was given the first 2 lines of the Self Realization Mantra. 460 days later he was given the last 2 lines of the Self Realization Mantra. David will share more about his spiritual journey and the Self Realization Mantra and lead attendees in a group chant."

David will provide a brief description of his spiritual journey, starting with being Merkaba Light Body Activated by an Angel in 2009 up to and including revelation of the Self Realization Mantra in 2018 and 2019. David will lead attendees in a group chant of the Self Realization Mantra followed by a brief Q & A.