Thursday, August 29th, 2019, 2 PM – 3 PM
Back by popular demand, Enchanted Handjobs. Hand massage and tête-à-tête with camp ShangriLa are scheduled Tuesday & Thursday from 2-3pm. Discover the delights and deep relaxation of a hand massage. Coconut oil is used to lubricate and soften the hands while our mystic healers work away your troubles and cares using a combination of techniques along with the right amount of pressure. Last few years over 100 attended and we had people literally purring in our hands. Stop by and explore this amazing treat for yourself at ShangriLa! You will receive and give a Handjob! The best free gift for you and your playa friends is a hand massage. Our hands do a lot of work from the minute we wake up until we go to bed. When was the last time you gave a loved one a gentle hand massage? It always surprises people when they discover the delights and deep relaxation of a hand massage. Come and explore this amazing treat for yourself and others @ ShangriLa