Pretty Kitty White Party >^.^< )'(
Date and Time:
Wednesday, August 28th, 2019, 11 PM –
3 AM
Located at Camp:
Cat's Meow
The Cat's Meow Neon Bar is hosting the obligatory White Wednesday party. Let your tighty-whities glow in our blacklight bar and lounge! Special gifts for our pretty little kitties in their favorite white kitty wear!! Blacklight body painting available as well. The bar serves Vodka, Tequila, Rum and Jameson mixed drinks or shots by request, and cold beer or cider (depending on what is on tap at the moment). The Cat's Meow is a bar and lounge with a relaxing vibe. Music, neon pillows, bean bag chairs, blow up couches, cuddle puddle in a glowing blacklight paradise!!