Date and Time:
Tuesday, August 27th, 2019, 3 PM – 5 PM
Located at Art:
Advice Booth
Advice Booth


Change begins with communal effort. I'd like to change my hair by inviting citizens of the Black Rock community to help me cut of my dreadlocks with a ceremonious CHOP CHOP. I will have all the tools needed, and ask that one dread be cut per person. I'm pretty sure it will be the best haircut ever, and it thrills me that the 50+ dreads on my head will translate into 50+ beautiful connections!
The location for this event is at Advice Booth, however, it is only an approximate location. I will be in that area of the playa for burners to seek and find (hopefully under a small, temporary, shade structure), sitting on a cushion with my tools splayed out in front of me and an open cushion for visitors to sit on. There will be a red carpet leading Black Rock citizens to me.