Wild Intimacy
Experience tools and practices to practice wild intimacy with all things.
The soul came here for full participation.
Wild Intimacy: Illuminate your understanding and provide foundational tools that merge the physical and energy body within the universe of you(self) to enhance all relationships.
During the workshop, we use breath, movement, visualization, sound, and community practices to wake up the body.
Using a mixture of solo, partner, and group exercises, including witnessing, mirroring and self-inquiry.
Engage in Authentic Relating and Games, tantric practices, shamanic tools for more connection and intimacy
Let face it, we are wired for a time that doesn’t exist…and build up our own artificial reality and mental constructs that are well….are less than intuitive or magical.
We have deadened our own existence.
This direct experience workshop is a facilitated experience to build capacity for WILD INTIMACY with all things... to WAKE UP and see the atoms inside of you as part of a higher order.
Utilizing the ""I"", ""We"", ""It...to cultivate spaciousness.
In the practice of spacious we become both empty and whole.
Life become rich. Juicy.
Walk away from this experience...and life itself becomes your lover.
Facilitated by Danielle Petersen, Wild Soul Living.
Be Wild. Be You. Be Free.