Relationship Check-In: enhance your connection

Date and Time:
Friday, August 30th, 2019, 3 PM – 5 PM
Located at Camp:
Organic Fruit & Veggie Camp


Relationships include : romantic, platonic, intimate, familial, business professional, and especially with oneself.

This workshop will be given by Relationship Therapist, Eleanor Hooper (MFT). The Relationship Check-in is a list of 20-questions that Eleanor and her partner created at the start of their relationship. When building the check-in they considered: What worked well in their last relationships and what didn’t work well? What were the things they wished they had discussed that could have made them better?
Since employing this monthly check-in, they have found that it offers a structure to allow for them to say what needs to be said, in a container that works. Eleanor often does these workshops for couples in her private practice. Defenses tend to be lower than usual during the check-in and openness is often increased because people know that charged topics are bound to come up. There will be a demonstration that offers healthy communication techniques for when the hard material arises, so the conversations can be constructive and intentional. You can even do the check-in with yourself to see how your relationship is with you!