Date and Time:
Thursday, August 29th, 2019, 11 AM – 11:30 AM
Located at Camp:
Black Rock City Community College
Black Rock City Community College


What is the scariest thing on earth, as reported by the human race? It's not spiders or dying - it's public speaking. What is improvisation? Public speaking without the safety net of knowing what the fuck you are going to say. So improv is - by textbook definition - the scariest thing on earth...which is why it makes such an amazing tool for growth. Worldwide teacher and improviser Philip Markle will lead attendees toward making Fear your friend and the experience of the unknown something to lean into and use as as fuel to create in all aspects of your life. This is a participatory workshop - though the goal isn't improv comedy so much as improvisation for life - and it's also cool to just come observe and ask questions.