Blinky Things Hospital

Dates and Times:
Monday, August 26th, 2019, 2 PM – 5 PM
Tuesday, August 27th, 2019, 2 PM – 5 PM
Wednesday, August 28th, 2019, 2 PM – 5 PM
Self Care
Located at Camp:


Bring us your broken gear. We will help you fix it.

Electrical problem? No problem.
Mechanical? On it.
Power-related? Been there, fixed that.
Son or Lumière? Just call us the AV Club.
Need a tool? My friend, we ARE tools.
Need a drink while the repairs are taking place? We'll serve you and join you.

We're confident we can help you fix stuff because we've been repairing our own highly complex gear for years at Black Rock City. We make the Burner Boards -- actual surfboards tricked out with 4000+ LEDs, powerful sound systems and motors, four wheels, big-ass batteries, and lotsa code. They're the Playa's favorite distributed art car / roving disco.

And they need a lot of ongoing TLC. They’re made solid, but the one-two punch of Playa dust and extreme conditions can make even a block of granite malfunction. It’s a combination that can make any piece of electromechanical gear think that it’s a Nexus-6 replicant at the end of four years, and that it’s time to die.

The one thing we say to the boards, adamantly, over and over, throughout the years, is not today. We’ll help you say the same thing to your gear.

Except bikes. We don't do bikes.

But we'll take a crack at just about anything else. And pour you a yummy cocktail while we're diagnosin' and fixin'.