Make Mead @ Home
Dates and Times:
Tuesday, August 27th, 2019, 2 PM –
3 PM
Thursday, August 29th, 2019, 2 PM – 3 PM
Thursday, August 29th, 2019, 2 PM – 3 PM
Located at Camp:
Waggle Lounge Meadery
Waggle Lounge Meadery
See how easy it is to make this delicious ancient beverage at home! Ever thought about home brewing? Been making beer but want to expand your repertoire? Come the the Waggle Lounge Meadery and see how it's done. We'll set up a 1 gal batch of a Show Mead or Melomel (fruit-flavored mead) from start to finish. Well, "finish" except for waiting for the yeast do their thing. You'll be able to taste finished product in our Lounge.
The demonstration includes sterile technique, all the equipment you'll need (from super-simple to more OCD-oriented brewing), ingredients and steps. You'll walk away with written instructions including links to resources, recipes and more.