Intro to DAOs

Date and Time:
Wednesday, August 31st, 2022, 2 PM – 3 PM
Located at Camp:
Contact Email:


The NecroDAO will be Necromorfo's management in the right hands: their fanbase. Based in the Commons Stack framework used in the Token Engineering Commons, the NecroDAO aims to be a model that can empower fans to incubate their own culture in ways that can share and distribute value within those that make it possible in their communities. A use case for a social token that has the capacity to revolutionize the entertainment industry beyond what torrents and streaming did in their time. Let's get rid of the middlemen in entertainment! The NecroDAO will be Necromorfo's management in the right hands: their fanbase. Based in the Commons Stack framework used in the Token Engineering Commons, the NecroDAO aims to be a model that can empower fans to incubate their own culture in ways that can share and distribute value within those that make it possible in their communities. A use case for a social token that has the capacity to revolutionize the entertainment industry beyond what torrents and streaming did in their time. Let's get rid of the middlemen in entertainment!