Brekkie on the Moon (Cheese)

Dates and Times:
Wednesday, August 31st, 2022, 9 AM – 11:30 AM
Saturday, September 3rd, 2022, 9 AM – 11:30 AM
Food & Drink
Crossroads & Moon Cheese Village
Contact Email:


Start your morning with the ooey, gooey Moon Cheese family! You better BRIElieve that the Moon Cheese fam is now serving up its infamous grilled cheese sandwiches in the DAY now too! Made with heaping amounts of love, moon dust, butter, and now breakfast ingredients, your mornings on Playa have never been more cheese-filled. You bet we’re up to no GOUDA with these breakfast grilled cheese sammies. Fill your bellies and kick off your mornings in dust with your favorite intergalactic, space-time-bending Moon Cheesers! We’ll blow your minds out of this world with our earth-shattering, hot, gooey breakfast grilled cheese sandwiches.