DJ Miloš Balkan Dance Party

Date and Time:
Tuesday, August 30th, 2022, 9 PM – 11:30 PM
Located at Camp:
Creation Nation BRC!


DJ Miloš and the BPE creates an immersive experience for concert goers dancing to a barrage of Balkan folk-inspired contemporary dance, EDM, and trap music mixes accompanied by club lighting, and Balkan Kafana-style food and drinks to immerse them in an altered state of consciousness in which their worries are left at the door as they are engulfed with a communal feeling of Kef or Kefi.

DJ Miloš and the Balkan Party Experience (BPE) is the creation of musician, composer, and immersive environment artist Ted Monnich. Influenced by his Slavic heritage and 30 years of involvement in America’s Balkan music and dance scene, Monnich unleashed his Serbian alter ego Miloš at the Burning Man festival in the Nevada desert in 2017, performing the first DJ Miloš and the BPE concert to ecstatic party goers, many incidentally from the Balkans. Subsequent concerts were performed at several DID Festivals and the Virginia Fairy Festival at Spirithaven Farm in Stuart, VA.