The 10th Annual Fingerbang Pep Rally

Date and Time:
Wednesday, August 31st, 2022, 11 AM – 4 PM
We start 11 am in camp but then move out into the playa to visit various art projects & camps. Look for the red Surly Bird & IGT space ship art cars


Fingerbang’s annual Pep Rally has been going strong for 10 years & it has evolved organically as we meet new folks & pull them into orbit. The Pep Rally has 75+ raucous cheerleaders, football players, and coaches, decked out in bright-red uniforms with pom-poms & whistles, cheering, dancing & generating mayhem (the good kind!) wherever we roam. This year we kick off the Pep Rally with a vibrant in-camp celebration & pep talk by our resident coaches, morphing into a late-morning dance party & cheering session at FB before we set off into the neighborhood & open playa to cheer on our BRC citizens. Put on a uniform & join us!