Rotary Club
Date and Time:
Wednesday, August 31st, 2022, 11:45 AM –
12:30 PM
Houpla (Houston) est 9:30 & C
Contact Email:
ROTARY CLUB. Ever wondered what is a "Rotary Club?" Come join the Rotary Club on Playa meeting where you will meet members of various Rotary Clubs often from many parts of the world. You do NOT need to me a member of any Rotary Club past or present but have a desire to learn just what World Wide Rotary Clubs do for the community they serve and represent.
**This is an un-official Rotary Club meeting. I have attended several "on Playa" over the past many years. I have had the pleasure of meeting many great folks including meeting the Medical Examiner from Waga-Waga Australia. True and I am still FB friends with him and several others.