MEN are NOT toxic - men are Necessary. This WORKSHOP for MEN is a celebration of all that we are - shadow and light. For many of us, there is something blocking our power, our purpose, our passion ... How do we claim our power without doing harm? How can modern men acknowledge the infractions of SOME men while claiming our (Re)Masculation with integrity? How do we stand up as men in 2022 and heal from both the unintended consequences of Feminism and the same elements of Shadow Masculinity that has harmed our women and world? How do we become "two-handed" men? Men that can wield BOTH Strength & Sensitivity; Power & Presence; Humor & Depth; Kindness & Killer Instinct … men who can hold space, hold their partner(s), hold his business(es), hold himself?
Together, we will engage time-tested practices that connect us both to our hearts, and to the sword. The Sacred Masculine can wield aggression as an act of love. The Sacred Masculine can choose peace with a warrior's regard. Join us as we unwind the tales that have been told about us as men - both true and untrue - and let's write a new story, together. Come open your voice, your heart, and your sex for the sake of all humanity. Every man has within himself the capacity to be the King in every room. It's time. We need you. Join us.