Uli Baba's Auction Orientation
Wednesday, August 31st, 2022, 1:30 PM – 4:30 PM
Thursday, September 1st, 2022, 1:30 PM – 4:30 PM
Since 2008, we have been known on playa for our infamous Slave Auctions, rebranded over the years as a Self Auction, Experience Exchange, and Used People Sale. Scheduled for 3-4x during the week, this is our core event, attracting an overflowing crowd to our lavishly furnished Moroccan tents. Participants are divided into two groups: "Used Person" or "Buyer." As each Used Person gets on stage, our emcee solicits decommodified bids from Buyers, giving the Used Person the power to select the bid they are happiest with. The auctions run from 2pm-4pm.
An orientation focusing on consent occurs before each Auction, from 1:30pm-2pm. You must show up during the orientation in order to participate in the Auction! We coach participants in the art of decommodified offerings and provide a fabulous emcee to redirect any unacculturated buyers. To add to the ambiance of our beautiful tent, we hand out tongue-in-cheek props, fan our guests, and serve drinks. We have many fond memories of the experiences our fellow BRC citizens have co-created ("I'll follow you around and be your human chair!" "I offer pancake batter waterboarding!") and look forward to this year's creative offerings.