Astral Project Scavenger Hunt-#whereisVenus

Date and Time:
Wednesday, August 31st, 2022, 10 AM – 4 PM
Please check with the ARTery for main installation location
Contact Email:


Astral Project is an small installation about the vast universe. There will be several ceramic planets that can be moved around their central point of rotation, with benches to sit on, and learn things about solar energy and the formation of galaxies, stars and planets. At least one planet, Venus, will be placed somewhere apart from the main installation, to illustrate the concept of exoplanets and provide a bit of fun. The scavenger hunt will ask participants to look around the city and try to find Venus, and at the end of the hunt, return to the main installation with the location of Venus. Prizes will be awarded for first correct answer, most creative answer, most scientific answer, and a couple of others.