Live Monster Painting
I will be live painting monster characters that represent all people. I will incorporate messages that align with one of Burning Man's core values (radical inclusion). I find this value resonates with me and what I am working on showing in my art. I will also use bright colors to symbolize the energy of the wonderful people that make Burning Man what it is. During the live painting I will allow the opportunity for others to include their art within the piece. I find it makes the art much more meaningful when others add their magic and energy to a piece. I hope to bring inspiration, love and make people feel seen by doing this event. Looking forward to being a part of this wonderful experience that is Burning Man.
I am an artist from Burlington, Vermont. I paint monsters with bright colors and short phrases/ messages that people can relate to. Making art has been a rewarding journey through how many people my art has reached and inspired. The connections that I've made through my work brings so much light to my life. My favorite form of creation is making murals and collaborations. Combining talent and allowing space for others to incorporate their work has led to the most beautiful pieces of art, and I hope to do more of this kind of collaborative creation. I truly believe that we are all creators and have this ability within us, sometimes all we need is encouragement, and someone to believe in us so we can believe in ourselves.