One Salon BRC: Lucid Dreaming Workshop

Date and Time:
Thursday, September 1st, 2022, 5 PM – 6:30 PM
Located at Camp:
Burners Without Borders


Learn to wake up in your dreams with Evan's popular 3 step process. Plus receive a 100% legal supplement to supercharge lucidity. Located at the BLAST/Regionals Annex at Burners Without Borders (6:45 & E).

When we fall asleep, our conscious minds go down a rabbit hole of imagery and adventure.
We travel through unknown worlds and meet interesting people, confront our deepest fears and live out unspoken fantasies.
Yet, many of these dreams never make it out of the rabbit hole. They are lost in the whirlwind of waking up into a hectic world.
On Thursday, we will be exploring dream practice with a special emphasis on lucid dreaming with Evan.
In a lucid dream, you are able to become fully aware of the fact that you are dreaming, pulling your normal waking awareness into the uncharted creative space of the dreamworld.
It’s a thrilling experience that demonstrates the potential of the human mind, and something I want to share with as many people as possible.
We will learn:
- How to remember more dreams
- How to train yourself to realize when you are dreaming
- What to do once you become lucid
- How dream practice can enlighten other aspects of life