Shirt Strapping Parade and Sparkle Pony Drag Show

Date and Time:
Wednesday, August 27th, 2014, 3:30 PM – 6 PM
Located at Camp:
Shots for Shocks
Shots for Shocks
Contact Email:


Ladies - Express your inner shirt cocker by breaking out your most ridiculous dildo and your classiest t-shirt, socks, and sandals. Gents - Bring your best sparkle pony attire, complete with blond wigs, shiny hot pants, and ditzy attitudes. Starting with a round at "Shots for Shocks," we'll take a stroll through Black Rock City's adult bars, dispensing awkward hugs and leaving a trail of confused onlookers. Bring ID for bars.

Costume suggestions for Shirt Strappers: Excessively large strap on, Bud Lite tee shirt, Hawaiian shirt, Bro hat, Visor, Fanny Pack, Old gross boxers, Socks and sandals.

Sparkle Ponies: Blond or neon wigs, Shiny hot pants and bikini tops, Malibu, Sequins, Useless Playa gifts, Sexual availability. Definitely don't bring your own water, food, drugs, or dignity.