Billion Bunny March + Buddha Bunny Afterparty

Date and Time:
Thursday, September 3rd, 2009, 5 PM – 9 PM
BMIR - Center Camp, near Esplanade


The Billion Bunny March + Buddha Bunny enlightenment & Afterparty: Meet Thurs at BMIR in Center Camp keyhole 5-7pm for bunnification and HOPtails. We MARCH AT 7PM this year and will go after dark with a special light show/enlightenment ceremony. So, evening fur recommended and pack your carrot juice for a full night!

Following this year’s blow-out Billion Bunny March, all bunnies will be celebrating at the Buddha Bunny, near the Man. There will be a ceremony at sunset with original music, dancing, fire and performance, which will awaken the bunny’s 7th and final chakra, bringing us to “enlightenment”. This enlightenment sets off a series of mind-blowing effects incorporated into the art, all of which are controllable by participants. To celebrate the Buddha Bunny’s awakening, Disorient will host a dance party afterward with cocktails.