MUSIC WITH WORDS! (90's edition)

Date and Time:
Thursday, August 30th, 2018, 12 PM – 4 PM
Located at Camp:
Champagne Campaign
7:45 & G


Come out to Champagne Campaign for a throwback day party with dancing, champagne cocktails and music WITH WORDS imported straight from the 90s! Bring your awesome self and all your awesome friends to get down with Biggie, the Backstreet Boys and countless others who will be playing games with your heart (but you'll love it)!
Please bring your ID, your finest champagne drink wear and your dancing A-game! Costumes and consensual hugs are encouraged!

For the past nine years, a Seattle-based group of friends have been traveling to Burning Man, spreading the love of Burning Man upon return, and growing larger with each burn. In 2016, Champagne Campaign was first officially placed as a registered theme camp. The universal activity enjoyed by this group of friends is meeting at 12:00 in front of the temple every sunrise for a champagne toast to the new day. This group of friends has continued the sunrise tradition at home in Seattle, and plans sunrise champagne events during the summer. At Burning Man, Champagne Campaign is an interactive camp that hosts daily debates in a campaign-esque setting. Our champagne bar is open during debate hours to encourage lively debates paired with champagne party punch. We encourage lively debates where people are free to give their opinion no matter the absurdity and engage themselves among burners of all different backgrounds and opinions.
Champagne Campaign returns to Burning Man in 2018 in that hopes that it will continue to be an interactive inclusive theme camp for years to come on playa as well as in Seattle. All proceeds go to getting our camp to the playa and stocking our bar so we can gift the joy of champagne all week long!