French Maid Brigade Parade

Date and Time:
Thursday, August 30th, 2018, 2 PM – 4 PM
3 O’Clock & Esplanade
Contact Email:


Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) is well on it’s way to replacing many of the functions at Black Rock City that were formerly performed by people. Especially now that Mr. Harvey is no longer with us, most, if not all, of his responsibilities have been handed off to robots. Almost all of the articles written on the Burning Man website are now generated by A.I. Another stark example is that plans are in place to mechanize much, if not all, of the duties currently handled by the Black Rock Rangers. Soon, perhaps by 2019, the humans among them will be replaced by robots. Entire theme camps are going to be run and populated by artificially intelligent robots who will be able to generate creative themes, art cars, costumes, and art installations of their own without any human input.

As it turns out, however, there is one group at Black Rock City that A.I. and mechanization can never supplant; no group of machines will ever match the precision, wit, and swagger of the French Maid Brigade and its haughty hotties.

Rendezvous with us! You too can be one of the sexiest clean freaks on the playa—please bring: feather dusters, rags, dustbusters, service carts, vacuums, white gloves, latex gloves, enema kits, lube, and any other useful cleaning equipment. Join us in uniform with your surly attitude and worst possible French accent.

On Thursday at 2:00 pm we meet at 3 O’Clock and Esplanade then dust our way through every filthy, nasty camp on our march toward that dust bucket known as Center Camp Café, liberate them from their dusty oppression, and celebrate our triumph!