Black Rock Philharmonic Children's Concert

Date and Time:
Wednesday, August 29th, 2018, 4:45 PM – 5:30 PM
For Kids
Located at Camp:
Frozen Oasis
Contact Email:


Do you remember, as a child, hearing Peter and the Wolf for the first time? Do you remember the first time you plucked a string and felt its vibrations through your body? As a child in the front row, did you stand up and dance? As a musician, how did that make you feel?

Many times, bringing a child to a music-centered event at burning man involves heavy noise-canceling headphones/mufflers; during this event, no headphones are necessary. Come discover a closer interaction between children, music, and the musicians. Stick around after the concert to meet the performers, and then stay for the main orchestra concert at 6PM.