Gender Blender 10 year Retrospective & Future!

Date and Time:
Thursday, August 30th, 2018, 2 PM – 4 PM
Located at Camp:
Gender Blender
Contact Email:


Gender Blender was visioned in 2008 by Ariel Vegosen and Ronnie Appleseed while dreaming one day on playa. In 2009 three people showed up to make this vision a reality. From that small rag-tag camp, a great and powerful community was born. Now we are a community of hundreds with about forty people per year making it home to playa. We create anti-oppression/liberation trainings, hold safe space for trans and gender non-binary people, educate the larger public, make smoothies, create theater, throw safer sex hot play parties, and build lasting beautiful chosen family connections. Its been 10 years of blood, sweat, tears, hot sex, awesomeness, building, and growing. So now what? What is our next level vision? Where are we going from here? What do we want to build next. Come and dream with us and grow this vision. This is going to be a facilitated and engaging brainstorm and action workshop. Let's make magic!