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Apply electrical theory to amp up your energy response. Electricity is Energy. Get grounded with Star Captain as we demystify all the woo-woo jargon in energy work to help you amp up your life. (This is a relaxing and informative talk).
Feeling confused or frustrated by all the terms being thrown around in energy work? Have you ever found yourself resisting change? Do you feel the need to disconnect from certain places, people and things? Do you wonder why bonding feels so good? Does your capacity to receive increase as you tap into different frequencies? Can you step-up to transform your life?
Energy work doesn’t have to be confusing, and you don’t have to take it personally. In fact, once you understand that most of the terms used to describe your energy are borrowed from electrical engineering textbooks, you can increase your own potential and generate real results in your own life experience. Get grounded with Star Captain as we demystify all the woo-woo jargon in energy work to help you amp up your life.