The Burning Body: A community discussion

Date and Time:
Tuesday, August 28th, 2018, 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Located at Camp:
Camp Contact


How do Burns affect you, your body, and our world? If Burning Man is a “social sculpture” (Joseph Beuys) our bodies, selves, interactions, and collectives are the artistic mediums. Do our explorations of self and community on Playa and at regionals influence our default communities and can they affect change in society at large? What role do dance, yoga, the flow arts, and other movement experiences at Burns play in these transformations? Come share your thoughts on the transformational potential of Burn experiences in this group interview for an embodiment and dance studies doctoral research project. The discussion will be audio-recorded and participants can choose how they will be identified (for example, Playa-name or default-name) or for their responses to be kept anonymous.