Desolation to Conscious Awakening

Date and Time:
Thursday, August 30th, 2018, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Located at Camp:
Camp Contact


Catastrophic life situations can be transformative towards higher levels of consciousness. This workshop will cover one man's journey from Compulsive Alcoholic to Zen practicioner to Yoga Master to Conscious Awakening by means of sacred psychedelic medicine and non-ordinary states of consciousness. The key concept is to create new healthy neurological pathways by using non-ordinary states of consciousness to enable escape from old destructive thought patterns. Integration into higher conscious states can be achieved by the combination of traditional practices with emerging non-traditional and futuristic practices. Evolution into the true loving beings that we are can allow us to reach our highest potential in serving all beings as well as the earth itself. Time /Space permitting, this workshop will also include light yoga and meditation practice.