Burner Toastmasters Speak-A-Thon and Get Together

Date and Time:
Wednesday, August 28th, 2019, 3 PM – 4 PM
Located at Camp:


Need some “stage time?” Like to speechify? Pontificate? Step up to ye olde soap box? Toast Burners are back, and we’ve got you covered. While there's a bit of jargon in the notes below that our wannabe’s might not dig, we know the Toastmasters folks will get it. And you will soon! Note:
Bring your TI Magazine and we’ll take pics over at the Man after our get together! If you’re a Toastmaster, do bring your CC/CL/Pathways/other manuals you’d like to advance in and join us (with friends) for a real Toastmasters meeting - and some photos! We plan to cram in speeches, evaluations, and table topics into a one-hour session, or more if demand exists for it, so on time is a good thing. Prompt arrivals will have the best chances for the most fun and credit.
Looking to join in? Located in Pepperland Relaxatorium, 6 and I.
Email: Gerfl[email protected], or text 547-203-3870, so we can plan ahead and count you in. Just maybe - the pix we take might make it into the TI Magazine again! You’ll actually be Toastmastering on-Playa!