B for Breton (bretons gathering)

Date and Time:
Wednesday, August 31st, 2022, 4 PM – 8 PM
Located at Camp:
Burning My Crêpe
Burning My Crêpe
Contact Email:


Whether by heart or blood, we are all Bretons !

Let's meet @5&B, Tuesday 08/2022 at 4 pm. 5 for reunification and B for Breton.

Come with your bikes and bring your best Brittany flags, we'll share a moment on the playa before joining the "Burning My Crepe" camp (5&D).

At 6 pm, the camp offer to the burners to appreciate our favorite food: the good pancakes of our Brittany. We will be able to share our best experiences and invite burners to come to the promised land !

If you are a reader (or not) of André BRETON, you are also welcome.

"Breton Assemble!"